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LogFusion Change Log

v4.2 • October 9, 2015

  • Watched folders can now have default highlight settings
  • Added support for Windows 10 per monitor DPI scaling
  • It is now possible to sort by more than one column. Add extra columns to sort by holding down the shift key
  • Added an option to disable the position line on the highlighting scroll bar
  • Added an option to make LogFusion keep the current item selection when pressing Page Up or Page Down
  • Resolved an issue where the log scrolled after it reached the maximum number of lines
  • Resolved an issue where auto scroll didn't disable when using the regular scroll bar
  • The line counter will now be reset properly
  • The event log preview will now display its fields correctly

v4.1 • July 16, 2015

  • Column sorting is now a regular setting in the Settings Window, and is defaulted to off
  • Logs will no longer have duplicate line numbers
  • Log lines will no longer bounce when sorting is enabled
  • Tab characters will now be rendered correctly
  • Option to turn on and off scroll bar highlighting now works
  • Option to turn on and off tooltips will now work
  • The shortcut to copy line data without the line number now works

v4.0 • June 30, 2015

  • Removed the OR keyword for the filter field, just use a space now. For example "cats OR dogs" is now just "cats dogs". If you want to find cats AND dogs, just use "+cats +dogs".
  • LogFusion can now sort data in different columns
  • LogFusion now remembers column widths when auto size columns is disabled
  • LogFusion can now export logs to spreadsheets (CSV files)
  • Added an option to show log lines before and after lines that match a filter
  • Added an option to clear log lines in LogFusion if the log was deleted by another program
  • Added an option to page up or down when clicking on the scrollbar
  • Resolved an issue where LogFusion stopped responding while trying to load a disconnected network file
  • Resolved an issue where logs did a short scroll when switching between tabs
  • Resolved an issue where the date appeared in the wrong column in EventChannels and EventLogs

v3.1.5 • January 7, 2015

  • Added an advanced setting to split long lines by a given character in tooltips
  • Resolved some tooltip positioning issues

v3.1.4 • January 2, 2015

  • Fixed some minor issues

v3.1.3 • November 4, 2014

  • Watched folders can now be on network shares
  • Advanced Settings can now be modified
  • Clicking and holding on the vertical scrollbar arrows now scrolls more than one time

v3.1.2 • October 10, 2014

  • Event Log IDs are now shown correctly
  • Ampersands are no longer hidden
  • General performance and stability improvements

v3.1.1 • May 28, 2014

  • Added a "Maximum Loaded Log Lines" setting to cap the number of loaded lines (big memory saver for fast-updating logs)
  • Greatly reduced the API request sizes when syncing Highlight rules (saves bandwidth)
  • Resolved a logic error with Filter queries
  • General performance and stability improvements

v3.1 • January 7, 2014

  • Added a "Clear and Delete Log" menu option for deleting log file contents
  • Logs from UNC shares now re-open automatically on startup (can be disabled with an Advanced Setting)
  • Highlighting rules no longer match line numbers
  • Added an option to copy without line numbers (Ctrl + Shift + C)
  • Added an Advanced Setting to control the number of event log entries to load initially
  • No longer receive an error about creating an IPC port
  • Really long lines no longer appear blank (20k+ characters)
  • Underscores now get shown correctly in log lines
  • Event Logs now show the correct error levels
  • License Key validation improvements (no more false invalid key messages)

v3.0.3 • June 5, 2013

  • Text Filter can now be specified on the command line using "-filter abc"
  • Resolved a few memory leak issues
  • Double-clicking a log in the Settings
  • Logs window works now
  • Text Filtering now works as expected after copying/clearing columns
  • Log tab text is now correct when a log is loaded using a relative path
  • Log lines are now fully reloaded after copying/clearing columns

v3.0.2 • April 15, 2013

  • Resolved an issue that could prevent highlight rules from being created/saved
  • API sync improvements

v3.0.1 • April 12, 2013

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the file encoding from being saved/loaded correctly
  • API sync improvements

v3.0 • April 2, 2013

  • Added Highlight Rule syncing between computers (Pro-only)
  • Added a more advanced Text Filter query language (+, OR and
  • operators)
  • Added support for Event Channels (local and remote)
  • Added an option in the Settings window to load your License Key automatically from the LogFusion Online API
  • The number of columns are now shown in the "Copy Columns From" menu
  • Open button has been split into "Open File" and "Open Other"
  • Trial license keys are no longer needed, new installations automatically enable 30-day trial mode
  • New Advanced Setting: "Don't Show Confirm Prompt when Closing Logs"
  • New Advanced Setting: "Force Auto-Scroll to be Enabled Always"
  • New Advanced Setting: "Log Update Interval (for polling)"
  • New Advanced Setting: "Show Filename Only for Debug Output"
  • Quickly updating logs no longer skip lines (file and event log)
  • A number of window sizing/moving/z-order issues have been resolved
  • Performance and stability improvements

v2.0.6 • August 14, 2012

  • Added an Advanced Setting to disable ClearType font rendering
  • Now focuses any logs opened from the command line first
  • Logs with only 2 columns now work as expected
  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility

v2.0.5 • May 3, 2012

  • New "Support Request" button in the Settings window
  • Now accepts new license key format
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ctrl+Insert from copying text in the filter textbox
  • Performance improvements

v2.0.4 • March 5, 2012

  • Highlights dropdown was sometimes missing an item
  • Performance improvements
  • ToolTip improvements
  • Small UI improvements

v2.0.3 • January 11, 2012

  • Filter textbox now accepts periods and commas properly
  • Filter textbox is now larger

v2.0.2 • December 23, 2011

  • Added an advanced setting to override the maximum tooltip length
  • Resolved a few small issues

v2.0.1 • November 22, 2011

  • Logs with null characters are now processed correctly
  • Logs that are deleted/renamed are now correctly reloaded so no lines are missed

v2.0 • November 18, 2011

  • Added the ability to open and monitor remote Event Logs
  • Scrollbar now shows markings for highlighted lines for easier navigation
  • You can now un-dock logs into their own windows
  • Line numbers are now displayed
  • Added a "Show blank lines" option
  • Added buttons to jump to next/previous highlighted row
  • Added the ability to ignore multiple consecutive column separators
  • Added an option to copy highlighting rules from other logs
  • Watched Folders can now be setup with a file mask (*.log, *.*) and can optionally look in sub-folders
  • You can now show the Windows explorer context menu when right-clicking in a log (to delete the log, copy it, open it... etc)
  • Added an Advanced Setting to hide the "Clear Log" confirmation prompt
  • Added an Advanced Setting to hide the "Rows Successfully Copied" confirmation prompt
  • Auto column-sizing is now disabled automatically when a column is resized manually
  • Now supports Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Insert to copy selected rows
  • Status bar now shows log file size
  • Added an option to show only non-highlighted rows
  • Added an option to "Clear Others" or "Clear All" for opened log entries
  • Added a "/noloadlogs" command line switch to prevent LogFusion from loading the previously loaded log files
  • New HotKey: Alt + O: Open Debug Output
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + O: Open Log File
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + F4: Close Current Log
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + W: Close Current Log
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + Tab: Select next Log tab
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Select previous Log tab
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + X: Clear Current Log
  • New HotKey: Ctrl + F: Edit Filter Text
  • An Advanced Setting's URL wasn't linking to the website correctly
  • When the main LogFusion window is set as "Always on Top", the other windows no longer get trapped behind it
  • LogFusion now supports loading more than 1 log file specified as a command line parameter
  • Logs on remote machines are no longer re-opened at launch to prevent lockups
  • Fast-updating logs are handled more smoothly now (less locking, smoother updates)