8 discussion posts
Just bought LogFusion to test out (3.1.5). Trying to use the 'Event Log' logic to have an easier way searching through them.
First of: What is the primary difference between opening the Event Log's through 'Event Log' or 'Event Channel' ? I think I found one reference about .NET 2.0 API not supporting all types of Event Log logic. And the .NET 3.x was needed to get all the 'sub-channels'.
If System or Application log. I guess the result should be identical, independent of using 'Event Log' or 'Event Channel' to open it.
Here's my real problem: When I open System or Application log through 'Event Channel', the 'Message' column text is not complete. Looks to take random parts of the whole message text, or nothing. If I use 'Event Log' to open, it looks ok. Easy to see difference by opening two tabs of same Event Log through 'Event Log' and 'Event Channel' side by side.
I am missing something obvious ? I can attach screenshots if needed. But I have tested this on my main machine (Win 8.1 x64), and a clean test VM (Win 7.1 x64). Both give the same behaviour.

52 discussion posts
Did we ever find out what the difference between the two are?
They're very similar, the main difference is the "Event Log" uses the Windows Management Instrumentation to get the data, and the "Event Channel" uses the win32 api to get the data.

52 discussion posts
FIRST - I've NOT tried 7.0 yet, just discovered it today when looking for 6.9 to replace 6.8.
Anyway, 6.8 has been working perfectly until today. Maybe I should reboot. Maybe it's a windows update. But starting today, Event Channel is the only way I can get data to populate in the Message field.
Another machine with 6.9 still works Ok. Will try 6.9 to see if that made a difference then find another machine to play with 7.0. Congrats on the release!
In any event, nice to have Event Channel as an option in case the other stops working. Hope 7.0 still has that option.
Thanks for the kind words!
Let us know if you still run into that issue on v7

52 discussion posts
problem remains in V7 too. Only Event Channel log has message text.
• Attachment [protected]: lf-7-nomsgtext.png [319,548 bytes]
Dec 13, 2024 (modified Dec 13, 2024)
Just to confirm it's the Event Log > Application log that's failing to load the message column?

52 discussion posts
Yes, but it's gonna be difficult to solve. It's inconsistent and hard to repeat on-demand. Closing and re-opening does not help. But in some VM's that I reboot more often than my primary system I'll notice that both methods will start working again. It's weird, because you look at the event log and the text is obviously there, it's just not displayed - unless you choose the Event Channel. Nice to have the alternate option. Was there a reason you chose to support both methods? Maybe WMI just gets weird and decides not to cooperate at times.
Yeah strange, we've tested it out here for the past few days but can't seem to reproduce it. We'll add it to our list and see if we come across anything that will help here.