52 discussion posts
What's included? I setup color/font, exported, then imported on another machine and nothing changed. v6.7.
Did you import the backup via the Logfusion Settings > Options, or did you double click the .reg file?

52 discussion posts
At first I tried via the options dialog - later using the .reg file. Still not certain just what settings are brought over - though looking in the .reg file it seems everything, including registration.
Ah, there's currently an issue with the path when exporting, we should have it fixed up in our next beta.
It should carry over all of your settings as well, yep!
Apr 20, 2023 (modified Apr 20, 2023)

14 discussion posts
I just encountered this issue when exporting settings on my old PC using LogFusion 6.7 and trying to import on my new PC. No setting were imported. I figured out that I had to open the exported .reg file and change every instance of 'CurrentUser' to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'.