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Ta'al Mahret's profile on
The ability to specify categories would match similar plugins offered from other log review tools. For example some low level logs have different keywords to search for per application and creating rule sets or categories would enable quicker log type definition to properly review a log with.
Oct 26, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I received your email regarding this as well, but I figure we'll discuss it here in case anyone else would like to input as well.

I'm a bit confused, and wondering if you could elaborate a bit more, or perhaps provide a screenshot with a mockup to illustrate how your log would look with the highlighting?

Oct 26, 2011  • #2
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Let me find a log that is acceptable and i'll photoshop the layout of the feature i was describing. Basically picture the drop down menu that appears when pressing the highlight button..and have it show "Categories"....they would be user defined with names such as "Device Loglines", "Windows 2k3 Loglines", "Ubuntu PS Loglines" etc etc.....they would be groups of rules that would be turned on and off based on a single check mark instead of manually choosing among the 900 that i have generated since i downloaded this yesterday. I will need a day or two to draw up the example but thats the gist of the utility of groups/categories for highlighting rules.

Also i have a few other features for this log tool. Do i need to generate a new topic for each feature request?
Oct 27, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that makes sense, I'll add it to our feature request list.

For other feature requests, if you could create new topics for each one, that would be fantastic! That way we can keep the dialog relevant to each one :)

Oct 27, 2011  • #4
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Sigh. This one didnt make it into the 2.0 beta did it?... :( Any way i can bug you incessantly on the off chance that humor and forum based banter would inspire brilliant code to pour out of your fingers at amazing speed?
Nov 9, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're working on it :)

It requires a pretty big overhaul to the highlighting code, so we just need to make sure we implement it properly and test it thoroughly. I'll definitely post an update when it's available.

Nov 9, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
For now what we've done is implemented the ability to copy the highlight settings from another log. So once you've setup the specific rules for one log type, the next time you open a new log of the same type, you can use Highlight > Copy Highlighting From, and choose the log that already contains the same rules.

Nov 15, 2011  • #7
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Wow. while this quickly enables us to "Turn On" already set rules the hope that i had for this request was to enable grouping (hopefully 2.1) where we would then be able to switch on and switch off dozens of rules rather quickly without having to guess what rules were turned on in another log of similar type. instead of remembering "per log" instead just create a general config file (or sqllite db, etc, etc) that generalizes highlighting rules so common rulesets can be grafted across many different log types with ease.

its the same way that storing bookmarks in a browser like Firefox would work...basically creating "Tags" on each rule and then allow folder grouping of a series of rules would be sufficient for massive rule trees and wouldn't require remembering hundreds of logs within the programs configuration system. Then if multiple rules need to be turned on only the folder itself within the rule tree would need to be clicked instead of manually clicking dozens of rules individually. This would make the program more resilient and organized over time as hundreds of logs are reviewed (my copy from rule list is starting to grow RAPIDLY) hopefully this explains a much easier approach to implementing a much simpler ruleset architecture.
Nov 16, 2011 (modified Nov 16, 2011)  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah that's what we were thinking as well. We won't be able to fit it into the final version of 2.0, but we'll definitely take a look at it again for 2.1.

Nov 16, 2011  • #9
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
I am just revisiting this to see if the functionality is coming along as planned for this feature? If further explanation is needed please let me know.
Nov 23, 2011  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, the request makes sense, it's just a bit more complicated to implement than we expected. We're still planning to do it for a future version though so I'll be sure to update when we have more news.

Nov 23, 2011  • #11
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
reallly really cant wait for this feature. i am having to manually rebuild my entire highlight library due to a dead harddrive. i had around 300 rules in place. :(
Jan 4, 2012  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry to hear about your hard drive, that's never fun!

We are still planning to add this feature, just haven't had a chance yet. I'll be sure to post an update when it's available.

Jan 6, 2012  • #13
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
are there any updates on this feature?
Jun 20, 2012  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately we haven't had a lot of time to work on LogFusion, but this is still on our list of features to implement, so I'll make sure to post an update as soon as we are able to.

Jun 21, 2012  • #15
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Just to let you know I am still hoping for this feature to make it into the pipeline someday :D.

The tools has come a very long way and this application is excellent. FYI, I am now rebuilding many of my logs highlighting rules from scratch as i have a plethora of new log types I aggregate now.
Apr 8, 2013  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it! The highlight categories are still on our list, but will take quite a bit of work, so at the moment I still can't offer an ETA as to when we'll be able to implement them.
Apr 9, 2013  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a heads up to let you know that we've replaced Watched Folders with "Log Categories" in 5.0 Beta 1 ( Thanks!
Sep 15, 2016  • #18
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