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g00py's profile on
Haven't been able to find info on setting up multi-line log file reading, so I could merge mutliple log4net files into a single pane and review the history. Any tips or plans for "regex" or other type of parsing, and saving this configuration to open other matching files with?
Jan 4, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Are you wanting to aggregate only specific lines from each log file? Or just have all log files loaded in a single tab in LogFusion?
Jan 5, 2016  • #2
g00py's profile on
Meaning log4net has a pattern, i can identify with regex potentially.
However, when a stack trace error is thrown it can expand to multiple lines. However, each line correctly starts with the datetime value. I want to be able to use logfusion to view the entry, but view it in a single line as a single log entry.

I guess I'm wondering about the potential to designate my parsing of a log based on regex/using a template. I like logfusion's simplicty, but want an easier to read longer results
Jan 29, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok. Could you send me a sample log, along with the regex you would use to filter it?
Feb 1, 2016  • #4
g00py's profile on
The key is that I currently have to use something like Log4view and GamutLogViewer to merge separate files into one timeline.

The key things I want to be able to do is provide a calculated diff column for delta between lines, and secondly to merge multiple files together and then sort them by datetime so that I can view one timeline of events between logs from multiple servers.

I attach a lorem example removing stack trace info. This might help give you an idea.

I also have some regex code that gets started (not perfect on the message part per multi-line implementation varies based on syntax)

Log4Net - Multiline Format
commented out user, but i wanted to work on optional match column to see if it worked.


• Attachment [protected]: Example.Log4Net.Multiline.log [2,321 bytes]
Jun 24, 2016  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, thanks! We'll see what we can do :)
Jun 24, 2016  • #6
g00py's profile on
Any input on this yet? I find myself still using Sublime Text 3 for most of my log reviews due to the regex functionality. Being able to provide a template for regex parsing and merging of multiple logs together is pretty powerful in some tools. Would be awesome to add!
Sep 27, 2016  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry! We still have this as an open request on our list, so we'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to add log combining and regex filtering :)
Sep 29, 2016  • #8
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