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We're happy to announce that LogFusion 5.0 is now available for download! This release features a new UI, Log Categories, customizable HotKeys, memory usage improvements, and many other enhancements and bug fixes!

LogFusion 5.0 Highlights

  • New and improved UI
  • Added a new feature - Log Categories! Set default columns and highlights for different logs. Replaces and enhances Watched Folders.
  • Memory usage improvements
  • Filter History
  • Windows Context Menu integration
  • HTML log exporting
  • Many other stability, performance, and bug fixes

Log Categories

Log Categories are a new feature added in this release that will replace Watched Folders. LogFusion 5.0 will automatically import your existing Watched Folders and convert them to Log Categories. You can now set up Log Categories to match different kinds of logs. When a log is loaded into LogFusion and it matches one of your categories, default settings such as highlights and columns will automatically be added to the log! If you do notice any issues with the imported Watched Folders, please let us know. The installer and auto-updater automatically backup your settings, so if anything bad happens to your Watched Folders, you can roll back to 4.3 and restore your settings from before the update.

The Log Categories feature adds a bunch of new functionality for automating your workflow:

  • Choose default settings for different log types: File, Watched Folder, Event Log/Channel, and Debug Log
  • Default columns for logs from watched folders and files
  • Default highlight settings for all logs

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today.

LogFusion Screenshots

Log Category Edit Window
Log Category Edit Window
Filter History
Filter History
Sep 15, 2016 (modified Sep 15, 2016)  • #1
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