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We're happy to announce that LogFusion 6.4.1 is now available for download! This version adds a few minor features and fixes a couple of bugs.

LogFusion 6.4.1 Highlights

  • Fix: Encoding in log files in now detected correctly
  • Fix: No longer asks to reload columns for logs with auto generated columns
  • Fix: Auto detect columns for pipe separated log files

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please view the LogFusion Change Log.

LogFusion Screenshots

LogFusion Log Highlighting
LogFusion Log Highlighting
Jul 23, 2020 (modified Jun 29, 2022)  • #1
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2 discussion posts
Watched folders have been broken with this release. The new dialog for auto generated columns keeps popping up an infinite number of times. Each time you dismiss the popup a new log tab is created. Only way out is to kill the application with task manager.
Jul 24, 2020  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to replicate this issue here, let us test and get back to you tomorrow with more information. Thanks!
Jul 26, 2020  • #3
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
Would we be able to get a backup of your settings so we can try to reproduce your issue here? And if possible, can you send us one of your logs that is triggering the automatic columns?

Here's how you can do that:
  • Open the LogFusion Settings window
  • Click the "Export Settings" button and save the file to a location of your choosing
  • Attach the file to this discussion, and make sure the "Protect these attachments" option is selected so that only Binary Fortress staff will back access to it

Jul 27, 2020  • #4
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