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Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Just finished setting up a backup laptop and i realized something. I setup ALOT of highlight rules that i couldnt export from my old laptop that had a dead harddrive. Then i realized that one of the amazing features i have been loving about firefox is most of my settings are all sync'd across my various devices with basically can we replicate the online could storage features that have been in use for a few years now. there are google storage api's that can be used within .net applications as well as apis and others. basically cloud storing settings.

Firefox has it. Between Windows Live Sync, Skydrive and then Google Apps Cloud there are many other applications starting to adopt interfacing and storing settings programmatically per user. I just experienced my first immediate hardware crash in a while. I was able to restore all my settings that i store online, except for log fusion.

Just an idea. :D
Jan 4, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Definitely a good idea! I'll add it to our feature request list :)

Jan 6, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update on this: The latest LogFusion beta ( now lets you sync your highlighting rules! After installing the beta, enter your login credentials on the Settings > Options tab and you should be all set!

LogFusion will sync the rules on startup, when applying the settings, and manually from the Highlight menu on the toolbar.

Mar 6, 2013  • #3
Ta'al Mahret's profile on
Keith....I have just begun using logfusion again...after switching careers and i LOVE this feature a great deal. Thank you.
Apr 8, 2013  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it, thanks!
Apr 9, 2013  • #5
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