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I just updated to 4.1 and have noticed that the tab bar and tool bar flash/flicker every-time a polling update has passed.
Aug 13, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce that here. Which version of Windows are you running, and what type of log file is it? (Event log, or plain text?)

Aug 14, 2015  • #2
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Windows 7 with a remote log file over an SMB share.
Aug 14, 2015  • #3
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I have attached a video of this problem, however the capture doesn't reflect the full severity of the problem. At around the 7 second mark you should see "UTF-8" flash.
• Attachment: LF41Flicker.mp4 [155,089 bytes]
Aug 14, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! Does it do this if you just have a local text file open with no other logs from network shares open?
Aug 19, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to sort of reproduce this here. Only the encoding drop-down control (the one that says UTF-8) flickers for me, but hopefully if we can fix that, it will fix the rest of the UI flickering for you as well :)
Aug 27, 2015  • #6
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8 discussion posts
Any update on this? The flashing is still present in 4.2 and it really drives me crazy.
Nov 19, 2015  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Coban: We weren't able to fix the encoding control flicker, but we were never able to reproduce the whole UI flickering either. Is that what's happening for you? (the whole window flickers?)
Nov 20, 2015  • #8
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Yeah, it's still happening all the time. All of the logs I open are over an SMB share, when I am on my companies network it flickers really fast and I wasn't able to get a screenshots of it happening. Right now I'm working over a VPN connection and I can see that the icon is changing from a green check to an hourglass. I was able to get a couple of screenshots, while doing that I did realize that all of the tabs are disappearing when it is flashing. In each screenshot I have the same log files open.
• Attachment [protected]: Blinking01.png [10,430 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Blinking03.png [7,975 bytes]
Nov 20, 2015  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the update guys! I wonder if it has to do with refreshing large log files over slow links. We'll do some more testing here to see what we can find out.
Nov 25, 2015  • #10
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For more information, this does happen (though not quite as bad) when I have one 4KB log file open over a high speed, low latency wired network connection. Testing the network connection resulted in 1ms pings and over 50Mbps throughput.

I'm also pretty sure this didn't happen before the 4.1 release.
Nov 25, 2015 (modified Nov 25, 2015)  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks Coban!
Nov 25, 2015  • #12
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15 discussion posts
I'm thinking about buying LogFusion 4.3 for our teams, but the flickering is really off-putting!

I've opened 4 tabs with files ranging from 47kb to 700kb from a network share, and the tabs plus UTF-8 dropdown are flickering like crazy, it's really distracting.

And it's such a shame too, because it has everything we need (except tab grouping!).
Aug 15, 2016 (modified Aug 15, 2016)  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We still haven't been able to reproduce this here during testing. What OS is the remote machine (that hosts the share you're loading the logs from) running?
Aug 19, 2016  • #14
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We still haven't been able to reproduce this here during testing. What OS is the remote machine (that hosts the share you're loading the logs from) running?

Local Windows 7, remote Windows 8. Reading from shared folder over network.
Aug 22, 2016  • #15
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Client: Windows 7
System Information


Name: LogFusion Pro 4.3
• Name Data: LogFusion
• Build Date: Aug 09, 2016 18:48
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
• Operating System Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
• Is Windows Activated: True
• Is Server: False
• Is Windows 8.1 Update 1: False
• Is Windows 10 Build 1511: False
• Is Windows 10 Build 1607: False
• Detected Version: Windows7 / Server2008R2 (Windows7 / Server2008R2)
• x64 Process / System: True / True
• Date/Time (UTC): 08/22/2016 12:38:42
• Date/Time (Local): 08/22/2016 08:38:42
• .NET Current Full: 4.0.30319.42000
• .NET Current Simple: 4.0
• .NET Installed: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6
• .NET Installed Highest: 4.6
• CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
• CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
• Is Using Themes: True
• Is Composition Enabled: True
• Physical Memory: 8440795136 (8.441 GB) / 17080619008 (17.081 GB)
• Short Date Pattern: M/d/yyyy [%#m/%#d/%Y]
• Short Time Pattern: h:mm tt [%#I:%M %p]
• Long Date Pattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy [%A, %B %d, %Y]
• Long Time Pattern: h:mm:ss tt [%#I:%M:%S %p]
• Process Integrity Level: Medium
• Administrator: False
• UAC Enabled: True
• Touch Enabled: False
• On Battery: False
• Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogFusion\LogFusion.exe"
• Current Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\LogFusion
• Process CPU Affinity: All CPUs (8 cores)
• Memory Trim: False
• Debug Logging: L0_Disabled
• Debug Logging Metrics: False
• Debug Logging Stack Traces: False
• Debug Logging Machine Level: False
• Debug Logging Thread Names: False
• Debug Logging Max Size: 7500000
• Update Check Normal: True
• Update Check Beta: False
• Update Check Timer Interval: 302,400,000ms
• Update Check Timer Status: True
• IsStarting: True
• IsExiting: False
• Font Scaling: 1x1 (XPStyle • Reason: BFPublicData • Error: False)
• Growl Detected: False
• BFTabControlIconSize: 24
• Window: GetShellWindow:1: Handle: 0x000101aa
• Window: GetShellWindow:2: Handle: 0x000101aa
• Window: GetDesktopWindow: Handle: 0x00010010

Servers: Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012 R2

I'm reading the logs from a Windows file share over our network. It happens on logs that I only have read access to as well as logs that I have full access to.

When I open files on my local hard drive there is no blinking. When I open a file from my local hard driver by a network path (\\[computername]\d$\...) all tabs start blinking, even local tabs.
Aug 22, 2016 (modified Aug 22, 2016)  • #16
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8 discussion posts
If it would help I could test this on LogFusion 4.0, I think that was the last version that didn't have the blinking file tabs. Is there somewhere I can download 4.0?
Aug 22, 2016  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Aug 23, 2016  • #18
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I installed 4.0 and it's still blinking, what was the last 3.x release?
Aug 23, 2016  • #19
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There was no blinking in 3.1.5

I'm not sure if there is any more diagnostic information I can pull for you, but I would be happy to help however I can.
Aug 24, 2016  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! We'll see if we can spot the difference between 3.1.5 and 4.0 that might be causing this to happen.
Aug 25, 2016  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released LogFusion 5.0 Beta 1 (, and this should be much better now.

Sep 12, 2016  • #23
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Well I haven't looked through all of the new features, but so far my initial testing for the tab bar flashing looks great. I haven't seen it happen once. The remote logs I have tried so far permanently display the hour glass icon, but I'll take that over the flashing any day!

Sep 12, 2016  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it! The hourglass thing should be fixed for the next version as well :)
Sep 13, 2016  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
LogFusion 5.0 is now available, and it should no longer show the hourglass permanently on remote logs :)
Sep 15, 2016  • #26
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15 discussion posts
Indeed, the flickering issue has been solved. Very nice!

Question though: what are the check marks for? Because even if the logfiles contain new lines, the check mark remains the same (there's no indication a log file changed, which is useful when having 20 files open).
Sep 26, 2016  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The check mark just indicates that the log file still exists on the disk. It will change to a red X if the file is deleted or otherwise inaccessible by LogFusion :)
Sep 26, 2016  • #28
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