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LogFusion 3.1.1 Now Available

May 28, 2014

LogFusion 3.1.1 is now available for download! This version contains just a couple of small but important bug fixes, and one new setting:

LogFusion 3.1 Highlights

  • Added a "Maximum Loaded Log Lines" setting to cap the number of loaded lines (saves memory with fast-updating logs)
  • Greatly reduced the API request sizes when syncing Highlight rules (saves bandwidth)
  • Resolved a logic error with Filter queries
  • General performance and stability improvements

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log.

LogFusion 3.1 Now Available!

January 7, 2014

We're pleased to announce that LogFusion 3.1 is now available for download! This version consists mostly of bug fixes, but also adds some new Advanced Settings as well.

LogFusion 3.1 Highlights

  • Added an option to copy log lines without their line numbers (Shift + Ctrl + C)
  • Added a "Clear & Delete" option to remove the log file from the disk
  • Remote logs now re-open on LogFusion restart (can be disabled via Advanced Setting)
  • Highlight rules no longer match LogFusion line numbers
  • New Advanced Settings to specify number of local and remote Event Log lines to load
  • Underscores are no longer shown as blank characters in logs
  • Really long log lines (50,000+ characters) are no longer blank
  • Resolved an issue where license keys could be incorrectly reported as invalid
  • Fixed an issue where Windows Event Logs showed the wrong error level

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log.


Copy Without Line Numbers
Copy Without Line Numbers

LogFusion 3.0 Now Available!

April 2, 2013

We're very happy to announce that LogFusion 3.0 is now available for download!

This version introduces the ability to open Event Channels from a remote Windows machine, sync your Highlight rules between computers, and more!

LogFusion 3.0 Highlights

  • Highlight rules can now be synchronized across computers
  • New Advanced Text Filter query language allows for complex filters and exclusions
  • Support for local and remote Windows Event Channels
  • Built-in online license key retrieval
  • 30-day LogFusion Pro trial is now automatic on new installations
  • New Advanced Settings (see full change log)
  • Many other various fixes and changes

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log. We'd also like to send out a big thanks to everyone who helped test the beta versions.


Highlight Menu with Sync Online Option
Highlight Menu with Sync Online Option

Remote Event Channel Connection Dialog
Remote Event Channel Connection Dialog

Advanced Text Filter
Advanced Text Filter

LogFusion 2.0.4 Released

March 5, 2012

We're posting this quick update to let everyone know that LogFusion 2.0.4 is now available for download. This version includes mainly bug fixes and performance improvements, including the following fixes:

  • Highlights dropdown was sometimes missing an item
  • Performance improvements
  • ToolTip improvements
  • Small UI improvements

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost!

LogFusion 2.0 Now Available!

November 18, 2011

We're very happy to announce that LogFusion 2.0 is now available for download!

This version introduces the ability to open Event Logs from a remote Windows machine, along with the following fixes and changes:

  • The scrollbar now shows markings for highlighted lines for easier navigation
  • Added "Jump to Previous/Next Match" toolbar buttons and shortcut keys
  • The Watched Folders feature can now recurse sub-directories and logs can be filtered using a file mask
  • Log files now display line numbers
  • Added shortcut keys for standard program actions (i.e. Ctrl + W to close the current tab)
  • Multiple log files can be loaded from the command line
  • Advanced Settings to disable the "Clear Log" and "Rows Succesfully Copied" confirmation prompts
  • All logs now open in a single window, but can be undocked to a separate window using the "Open Log in New Window" toolbar button
  • Many other various fixes and changes

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log. We'd also like to send out a big thanks to everyone who helped test the beta versions.

Here are some screenshots from LogFusion 2.0:

Remote Event Log Monitoring
Remote Event Log Monitoring

Scrollbar Markings for Highlighted Lines
Scrollbar Markings for Highlighted Lines

Line Numbers
Line Numbers

LogFusion 1.2.4 Released!

February 11, 2011

I am very happy to announce that LogFusion 1.2.4 is now available for download! This new version adds an option called "Re-open logs when starting" for toggling whether LogFusion should remember and re-open your previously loaded logs. There are also some huge performance improvements when using the text filtering feature with huge log files. I would encourage all LogFusion users to update today to take advantage of these updates.

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