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LogFusion 4.3 Now Available!

August 9, 2016

We're happy to announce that LogFusion 4.3 is now available for download! This release features better integration with system settings, and many other improvements and bug fixes!

LogFusion 4.3 Highlights

  • Now targeting the .NET Framework 4.0, which will automatically install during setup if needed
  • LogFusion now uses the system setting for list separators when adding CSV columns
  • LogFusion now uses the system setting for mouse scroll lines
  • Many other stability, performance, and bug fixes

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today.

LogFusion Screenshots

LogFusion Main Window
LogFusion Main Window

Installer Options

January 14, 2016

Please note: If you're deploying LogFusion via Active Directoy GPO, please read the MSI Installation section carefully, and as always, make sure to test it thoroughly before deploying it into production.

Note: The LogFusion installer requires administrative privileges in order to run successfully. If the installer is run using an account that doesn't have administrative privileges on the system, UAC will request the credentials for an administrative account on the system.

EXE Installation

For more options, please consult the Inno Setup help file that comes with Inno Setup.

The following parameters are especially useful for deployments.

Enables Silent Install option (shows progress while running)

Enables Silent Install option (does not show progress while running)

Forces the installation language to English

Sets the default installation folder

/LKEYUSER="license key"
Specifies the license key for the current user (the user running the installation)

/LKEYALL="license key"
Specifies the license key for all users

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYUSER. Specifies a text file containing the license key for the current user. Also accepts UNC paths.

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYALL. Specifies a text file containing the license key for all users. Also accepts UNC paths.

LogFusion will not run automatically after setup completes.

Setup will not create a Desktop icons

Setup will create a Desktop icon for all users

MSI Installation

You can use any of the standard Windows Installer command line options.

To perform a standard silent installation (note that the parameters are case sensitive):

msiexec.exe /i "LogFusionSetup.msi" /qn CUSTOM1="/VERYSILENT" LAUNCHAFTER=0 LKEYALL="license key"

Important Note:
When deploying via Group Policy Software Installation, you absolutely must use the included MST (transform) file on the Modifications tab, otherwise the installation will never complete.

The following MSI properties are especially useful for deployments. Any of the properties below can be included in an MST (transform) file if deploying via Group Policy. If you create your own MST file, you must include the CUSTOM1="/VERYSILENT", and LAUNCHAFTER=0 properties for deploying the MSI through Group Policy Software Installation.

Sets the default installation folder

LKEYUSER="license key"
Specifies the license key for the current user (the user running the installation)

LKEYALL="license key"
Specifies the license key for all users

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYUSER. Specifies a text file containing the license key for the current user. Also accepts UNC paths.

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYALL. Specifies a text file containing the license key for all users. Also accepts UNC paths.

LogFusion will not run automatically after setup completes.

Setup will not create a Desktop icons

Setup will create a Desktop icon for all users

Remote Event Logs

December 14, 2015

General Requirements for Remote Event Logs

If LogFusion fails to connect to a remote server's event logs, make sure to check the following:

  • Make sure Remote Management is allowed through the Windows Firewall on the remote server.
  • Make sure the Remote Registry service is started on the remote server.
  • Make sure you're specifying the credentials of an account that have permissions to open the Event Logs on the remote server. Note: LogFusion uses WMI to connect to the remote server. If the remote server is not on a domain, and UAC is enabled on the remote server, the WMI call will fail. For remote servers that are on a domain and have UAC enabled, make sure the credentials you specify in LogFusion are for a domain user that is a member of the local Administrators group on the remote server. More information on this restriction can be found in the "Handling Remote Connections Under UAC" section of the following MSDN article:

Note: If you're connecting to a Windows 8 machine, you'll need to do some additional configuration on the Windows 8 machine.

Extra Requirements for Windows 8

If you're connecting to a remote Windows 8 machine to view the Windows Event Logs or Event Channels, you'll need to perform some additional configuration steps on the remote Windows 8 machine.

  • Make sure you've already verified the settings in "General Requirements for Remote Event Logs" section above
  • Add the user account that you're connecting with to the "Administrators" and "Event Log Viewers" security groups
  • Open the Component Services MMC snap-in (Start > Run > dcomcnfg)
  • Expand "Component Services" > "Computers," then right-click "My Computer" and choose "Properties"
  • On the COM Security tab, click the "Edit Limits" button in the "Launch and Activation Permissions" section
  • Click the "Add" button, type in "Authenticated Users" and click OK
  • Make sure "Authenticated Users" is selected in the list, then enable the "Remote Activation" checkbox and click OK, then OK again
  • Open the WMI Control MMC snap-in (Start > Run > wmimgmt.msc)
  • Right-click "WMI Control (Local)" and choose "Properties"
  • Expand "Root," then select "CIMV2" and click the "Security" button
  • Make sure "Authenticated Users" is selected in the list, then enable the "Remote Enable" checkbox and click OK, then OK again
  • When entering the credentials in the LogFusion connection dialog, make sure to put the remote Windows 8 machine's computer name in the "Domain" box

LogFusion 4.2 Now Available!

October 9, 2015

We're pleased to announce that LogFusion 4.2 is now available for download! This version includes a few new features and a bunch of bugfixes:

  • You can now assign Highlight Rules to Watched Folders
  • Added support for per-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 10
  • You can now sort by multiple columns (hold Shift when clicking the column headers)
  • Added an option to disable the position line in the scroll bar
  • Added an option to keep the current selected line when using Page Up/Page Down
  • LogFusion will now prompt to automatically setup columns for W3C logs
  • Event log previews (double-clicking) now show correct fields
  • Resolved an issue where the log would scroll automatically after it reached the max loaded lines
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log.

LogFusion Screenshots

Adding Highlight Rules to Watched Folders
Adding Highlight Rules to Watched Folders
Auto-detecting W3C Logs
Auto-detecting W3C Logs

LogFusion 4.1 Now Available!

July 16, 2015

We're pleased to announce that LogFusion 4.1 is now available for download! This version fixes a bunch of issues from the 4.0 release:

  • Fixed an issue with the "Debug Output" source
  • Fixed the option for disabling scroll bar highlighting
  • Disabled column sorting by default (too slow with big logs) and added an option for it in the settings
  • Fixed the Ctrl + Shift + C hotkey
  • Fixed an issue where tabs weren't displayed properly
  • Fixed an issue that caused logs to look like they were being updated when they weren't

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log.

LogFusion Screenshots

Highlight Menu
Highlight Menu
System Event Log with Highlighting
System Event Log with Highlighting

LogFusion 4.0 Now Available!

June 30, 2015

We're pleased to announce that LogFusion 4.0 is now available for download! This version contains a few new features, as well as some bug fixes and performance improvements:

LogFusion 4.0 Highlights

  • New option to have scroll bar clicks do page up/down, instead of jumping to location in log
  • New option to show lines before and after lines that match filter
  • Log lines can now be sorted by column
  • You can now double-click a line to perform the "View Selected Rows" action
  • You can now change the text and background colours for non-highlighted items
  • New option to clear the log automatically when the source file is deleted
  • New action for exporting the log to CSV
  • Many other performance, stability, and bug fixes

Updating LogFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased LogFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the LogFusion Change Log.

LogFusion 4.0 Screenshots

LogFusion Main Window
LogFusion Main Window
Log Filtering
Log Filtering
Text and Background Colour Settings
Text and Background Colour Settings
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